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Go to Israel with Ron

You'll never be the same!
                        Israel Travel Safety 
Many people ask us whether it is safe to travel in Israel. This is a question that is usually raised only by people who have not been to Israel. Once our folks tour with us, they realize that Israel has one of the world’s lowest crime rates, and that it is safer to walk in Israel’s cities than in most North American or European cities. The news media tend to over-dramatize the occasional, isolated incident. The potential danger to passengers who travel on group tours to the Middle East is no greater than what they would experience in domestic travel. Israel’s streets and villages are more secure than the streets and cities of our own country. The traveler who considers canceling or postponing tour plans because of presumed insecure or dangerous conditions is simply misinformed. We have NEVER had one of our travelers tell us that they felt unsafe in Israel!!!

Ron Reynolds

Tour Host

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